Want to Increase Your Advisor Referrals Exponentially?

Become THE trusted provider of relevant continuing education to the hundreds of CPA's, CFP's and Insurance Advisors in your market and expand your referral sources exponentially. 


Hundreds of Financial Advisors Require Continuing Education Hours Every Year. Why Not Become the Source of Most for Those Hours?

Advisors in Your Market Need and Want this Information.

Advisors know that their client base is aging and they need current information on planning techniques to serve those clients, and attract new ones. They already crave the information you already have.

You Already Have the Technical Skill and Knowledge.

Years of training and experience in the highly technical areas of Estate Planning or Elder Law have already made you an expert, and  you demonstrate it daily in client consults. Why not educate at scale?

Is Client Acquisition Becoming Less Competitive?

Law schools already graduate too many, as experienced lawyers search to add practice areas. Both groups are discovering Estate Planning and Elder Law. How will you remain unique among this crowded field?.

Become Recognized for Your Expertise

As an Estate Planner or Elder Law Attorney you have already developed a specialized skill set that is in demand. But unless you promote your expertise you wil remain a best-kept secret in your area. Advisor education promotes you as the Expert you already are. 


Make Advisor Education your Unique Selling Proposition. 

The race for new clients is becoming more competitive, not less as more as more lawyers enter this practice area. Becoming the recognized expert in your market makes you unique among an increasingly crowded field. 


Download Our Guide

Our Guide on Advisor Education shows how professional education can exponentially grow your law practice by quickly making your a recognized expert, and introducing you to hundreds of new advisors with whom you can build deeper lasting relationships for decades.


50% Complete

Two Step

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